Service Times

Sunday Worship

In Person Sanctuary   

Time: 8:00 AM   

In Person Sanctuary and Livestream on Facebook and YouTube 

Time: 10:30 AM


** Announcements must be received no later than Thursday, to be included in Sunday’s service. **   Howardministrieschurch@gmail.com



Wednesday, July 10, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Deacons will do a review from Monday's Bible Study


If you want to join by phone instead of Zoom:

1. Call 13017158592 and press # pound
2. Press pound once more to bypass the participant code
3. Enter passcode 759695 and press # pound
4. You will be let into the room 




Join us by video and audio
1. Download the Zoom app in your Google Play Store or Apple Store if you are joining on your phone by video
2. Once downloaded click the link below and enter the password when asked

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 251 007 7790
Passcode: love
3. You will be let into the room

If you are joining by phone and doing audio only

1. Call 13017158592 and press # pound
2. Press pound once more to bypass the participant code
3. Enter passcode 759695 and press # pound
4. You will be let into the room 

Please let us know if you have any questions!

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